Research and Planning Blog

When it comes to researching and planning for my "All About Me Commercial", there are many things that I need to pick out. Things that I need to pick out are photos, videos and songs. When it comes to choosing pictures, the rubric for the commercial states that I need to have three to five pictures of me, not offline. Finding pictures should not be super difficult for me. Me being almost sixteen years old mean I have many hours of picture taking under my sleeve. When my family and I go on trips, we love taking lots of pictures. When someone doesn't want to take a picture (my brother), my grandmother always says "Were never coming back here" as a joke to get us in the picture. Also, when I hang with my friends, we are always taking pictures of fun things that we do. We love taking pictures for the memory. Choosing picture might be difficult due to how many I have. I will choose picture in the context of what I'm talking about. When it comes to choosing videos, the rubric for the commercial states two to three video of me; one must be real and not from the internet. Finding videos of me should not be difficult because I love taking videos of everything. My family and I love taking videos of the things we do together; like when we go on trips. My friends and I love taking videos of the fun things that we do when we hang out with each other. Me and my friends love taking videos so much that when we were younger, we made a YouTube channel. Choosing a video may be difficult, but I will use ones that fit in context. When it comes to choosing songs, the rubric for the commercial states one to two songs that represent you. Choosing song may be difficult for me because I like a wide variety of music. It also may be difficult to chose because a lot of music that I listen to is explicit. When it comes to choosing a song, I will make sure it is school appropriate and makes sense to use in the commercial. 


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