Planning Blog: Script

Scene 1- Sitting by a campfire


John: (sitting next to campfire with marshmallow on a stick): Hey look at this gooey mess on my stick.

Hank: (staring at black mess on his stick) Mine is all burnt and gross.

John: (hitting Hunter’s stick) Now it’s a black mess in the fire. (laughs out loud)

Hank: Hey man, not funny!

John: Hey, Derek! How much longer? We’re running out of fire (inaudible response from the  woods—scene fades out)



Scene 2- Derek in woods collecting firewood


Derek: (shouting loudly) Be there in a minute! (begins humming to himself) (undistinguishable crunching sounds like footsteps)

Derek: (singing to himself) “I’ve been working on the railroad…” (crunching sound gets louder)

Derek: Hello! Somebody there? (crunching sound stops)

(Faint screams coming from campsite area)

Derek: Ahh! Ha! Ha! I wonder who burnt themselves this time. I’m coming you idiots! (Derek picks up one more piece of firewood and heads back to camp.



Scene 3- Walking up Pathway to Campsite


Derek: (talking to himself) I wonder what those dufuses did this time?

(Shouts loudly) I’m almost there! Hope everyone is still alive!

(no response)



Scene 4- At the Campsite

(fire is almost burnt out and many dark shadows surround the tents and campfire—unidentifiable lumps on the ground covered with leaves.

Derek: Ha! Ha! You guys.  Like I can’t see you under the leaves.  (Silence follows)

Derek: This is not funny you guys—I need to start the fire again. (Pretends to be walking towards campfire and suddenly runs and jumps onto first of leaves)

Derek: Come on Hank. Get up! This is not funny.  (Hank lies on the ground unresponsive. Derek quickly gets to his feet backing away from Hank)

Derek: John. Where are you?  I see you over there lying on the ground.  Get up and knock off this crap now.  This isn’t funny anymore. (Runs over to John and kicks him hard) Come on man! Get up!! (Voice fills with panic)

Derek: Help! Someone help me!  (Sound of leaves crunching under rapidly approaching footsteps.)

Derek: (screaming and running into the woods towards the lake)



Scene 5- Trail to the lake


Derek: (panting loudly and raggedly and mumbling to himself) No, no, no, no.... this can’t be happening.  Help! Help! Someone help me! (screaming now at top of lungs) (approaching footsteps grow louder and more rapid as unknown something is chasing Derek)

Derek: Who’s there?? I can hear you! Get away from me….!!! (Bathhouse appears in the distance and Derek approaches at a full run)



Scene 6- Inside Bathhouse next to lake


Derek: (running into bathhouse and slamming door—slumping down door to the floor) I’m okay. I’m okay! I’m okay! (pounding on the door with growling sound)

Derek: (screaming) Get away from me whoever or whatever you are! Help! Help! Help! Someone!  (pounding on door grows more persistence and ominous—ragged breathing and sniffing sounds follow)

Derek: (mumbling to himself) Someone will come.  This is not real. I’ll be okay.  (sound of wood splintering and door giving way) N-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o! (Derek’s creams echo into the forest)  Scene fades out)


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