Intro Blog

Hi, my name is Dylan Tanner. My birthday is October 29, 2007. At home I live with my Mom, Dad, younger sister, younger brother, and my dog Finn. We got Finn during the online school era of the pandemic. Me and my Mom (mostly me) would be home to take care and train Finn, while my younger siblings were at school, and my Dad was at work. I love hanging out with my family. We love watching movie's together, riding our bikes, going on vacation, and boating. I love activities that involve the water; like fishing, boating/jet skiing, and snorkeling. Other activities I also enjoy are tennis, ping pong, pool (the game), biking, and video games. I am really excited to turn 16 and get my drivers license, and my car. My friends and I are all really into cars and we like to go to car meets and take pictures. I am also have a very good sense of knowledge about almost everything boat related. When it comes to school, I am very good at math, science, and robotics. I am a very good writer when I fell like it. I also have an IEP and Dyslexia making me not amazing at reading, spelling, comprehending. I get overwhelmed very easily, but the IEP helps by giving me extra time. I am a perfectionist and it takes me a while to become motivated. This leads to procrastination. Even though I manage time, I tend to be the worlds biggest procrastinator because I'm a perfectionist. I am excited for this school year in this class and I hope it is a great one.


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