
After completing this project, I learned a lot. The first thing new thing I learned was the process of putting the project together. When it comes to putting the project together, there were many important steps that led up to the final product. These steps include Intro blog, Research and Planning blogs, Production blogs, Filming and Editing blogs, Project blog, and finally the Reflection blog. All blogs are twenty or more sentences, besides the Project blog. Also, all blogs must include a piece of  media. The Intro blog is a blog about your life, or you in general. The Research and Planning blog is blog explaining generally how you will be picking and choosing information that will be going into your final project. Production blogs are blogs about what you are doing to produce your final project. The Filming and editing blogs are blogs about what you are doing to edit and create your final project. The Project blog is where you embed and submit your final project. The Reflection blog (this blog) is a blog that overview all your steps of the project, things you learned, and things you can improve on for the future. Next, I learned about and used technology that I have never used before. The two main new technology sources I learned how to use are CapCut and Blogger. When I found out that I would be using CapCut, I was pretty confident because I had used it for small projects in the past. But, there had been some updates sense. Due to these updates, I needed to look up some videos tutorials on how to use some of the new features. After looking up and watching these videos, using CapCut was a breeze. Learning how to use Blogger wasn't very difficult because of my two amazing teachers. They taught me how to make blogs, implement media, imbed projects, and some tips and tricks about Blogger. Finally, things that I think I can do to make the next project better. The first thing I can do to make the next project better is not completing everything at the last minute. I need to get my work done when it is give to me and not procrastinate. If I were to complete my blogs and do my project in a timely matter, they would be more quality. The second thing I could do better for the next project is practice more with new editing software's. The more I practice with multiple editing software's, the better I get at editing. The third and final thing I could do better for the next project is use my teachers advice and pay more attention in class.


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