Movie Research Blog: Totally Killer

What conventions of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have? - Some of the conventions included in the movie Totally Killer th at I have decided to use in my final task include a v ariety of different things. Unusual settings , humorous moments, banter between the characters in moments of suspense, and unexpected outcomes make this movie very ap pealing. The director's choice to add an unusual twist to a horror genre is effective and interesting. What conventions of the genre did the movie have that you liked? - Conventions of the movie that attracted me to it were the unus ual interactions between characters, the use of comity instead of fear when something scary was happening, and the use predictable settings used in a unique way. The director of this movie made decisions that helped his film be better than a typica l horror flick. With the use of comedy, this film appealed to a larger audience than just horror fans...