Genre Research Blog: Apocalypses

 Common types of camera angles that are used include worms eye view, birds eye view, and a tilted angle. Common types of camera movements that are used include tracking, over the shoulder, and zooming in/out. Common types of camera shots that are used include POV shots, boom shots, and an extremely wide shot. Common types of costumes that are used include spiked chokers, leather jackets and pants, and anything with pockets. Common types of lighting that are used include bright lights, fogy, and lightning. Common types of acting that are used include stumbling and feeling out of place, the superhero, and the bumbling nerd. Common types of makeup that are used include fake cuts and burses, fake prosthetic limbs, and messy hair. Common types of props that are used include destroyed cars, on fire furniture, and broken trees or trampled flowers. Common types of sets that are used include collapsed houses, cities and ruins, and flooded streets. Common types of editing that are used include split screen, insert, and dissolve. Common types of sounds that are used include non-diegetic, dialogue, sound motifs. Elements of the genre that I would use if this was my production would include non-diegetic sound, cities and ruins, and panning. Elements of the genre that do not appeal to me, and I would not use it if this was my production would include the superhero role, the predictable bumbling nerd, and split screening. 


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