Production Blog


When it comes to shooting my horror video, there are many things that I need to plan for. The first and most important thing I need to figure out is my story and then my storyboard. I made the decision to create a horror film because I like this genre, and I love the element of surprise. The genre of horror also allows for the use of special effects and stretching the imagination to really be creative in where and how I shock and scare the audience. The location I will be filming at is the baseball field at Holiday Park. I will be filming at Birch State Park. It is a great location due to its campground and its lake. It is also close to my house and perfect for the scenes I have planned for my video. That brings me to my next important thing to plan, schedule. The schedule I will be following is go to the park on the weekends. This is the time when I should be able to get most of my shooting done. Another important thing to consider is props. The props that I plan to use will come mostly from nature such as sticks, leaves, and the campground bathhouse and lake. I will need to bring a few fake body parts, marshmallows and a few other things. The next thing that I need to really think about is the monster costumes. I am not sure what the monster will look like because no one will actually know what kind of creature it is. Rubber body parts will be purchased through Amazon, or at Party City. Marshmallows can be bought at Publix. Monster costume clothing can be found in mine or my parent’s closet. My friends will step in, playing the actors I need for two of the roles. See you in the next blog. 


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