Production Blog

 The first day of filming went well. I felt confident with my story line and the goals I had set for the day. We had six scenes to film in all and managed to finish two of them today. I felt even more confident about my choice of settings shot at Birch State Park. This place had everything I needed to create an effective and terrifying horror film. When we arrived, the weather was a bit overcast and cool, so we kind of got in the mood quickly. My two friends and my dad were eager to jump right into the filming. With the great background it was easy for everyone to get into character and start rolling. My friends are natural goofballs, so the parts we needed of them fooling around by the campsite was just like them being themselves. We decided to walk through the scenes a few times before we did any actual filming. Getting angles and lighting were a bit tricky in the semi-dark forest, but we prevailed. We were missing a few props. After a few trips back to the car we had them, but now we were hungry. We stopped for a snack. Finally, we were all focused and ready to get serious about getting these scenes completed. My father kept shaking his head. He laughed at us because we were being so ridiculous. For the majority of the filming, we used an iPhone. This was easy to carry around and produced great quality videos. I think we did a greater time terrorizing everyone in the park than we did making a scary move, but it was fun. See you next blog. 


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