Production Blog


Today is the last day of filming. I have mixed feelings about the way things have turned out so far. However, I think we can make this work if we all stay focused. One of my friends does not feel well today. We will see how he feels as we continue. Today we will be focusing on the toughest scenes with me running into the woods. We will also have to do some creative videoing to create a ‘monster’ chasing me down to the bath house. Entering the woods, after a day of rain offers a really creepy and damp experience. Being here has definitely added to the horror vibeof the film. Everything kind of smells like a lake monster because it is humid, it is also still really wet from the rain of yesterday. The camera angles are kind of hard to get because the ground is soaked and so aren’t the leaves. No one really wanted to lie on the ground or be covered with leaves. We decided to go back to Party City and get some fake leaves to use instead. This gave my friend who is sick, a chance to take a quick nap in the car. We successfully finished filming with some creative collaboration to complete the last shots. I know I was really happy to be done. We were all pretty proud of our efforts. See you next blog. 


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