Production Blog

 Hi guys. This will be the last blog you will be reading about this endless production. I feel like we have been filming and editing this thing for about five million years now. We decided to reshoot almost the whole film so that it went seamlessly. Bad idea. Everyone was stressed, overtired. We were sick of being on the ground all the time. My Dad decided to do the filming this time. Each of us could really focus on our roles. We all wanted to get this right to get a good grade. We took into consideration all the feedback from classmates during the last viewing. I was glad we had fresh perspectives other than our own. My Dad was on a tight schedule, so it was good to have him to keep us focused. We had done this so many times now it was kind of robotic. We had kind of lost the spark until my Dad promised everyone hamburgers, fries and shakes if we got it done.  We really set to work this time. We were determined it would be the final and best take. When my Dad shouted it was a wrap, we all cheered. We ran to the car to go and get dinner. Filming any kind of production is not fun. I don’t know how people do this for a living.   


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