CCR: Question 1 and 4

Hey Cambridge, I will be filming a day in the life of Dylan Tanner as I answer questions 1 and 4 of the CCR for AICE Media.


How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

In response to the first question, let’s break it down into two parts to better address both issues.  While filming this production, I chose to use a lot of shadowy imagery with fade-ins, fade-outs, tracking and sounds to build suspense without ever giving away the ‘actual monster’s’ face.  I used a variety of camera shots spanning from wide angles to close ups. I chose a variety of close-ups of the character’s faces to only reveal looks of horror and fear and to keep the identity of the ‘devil’ under wraps.   The music in the background starts out with a pleasant and low tone sound, with is paired with a visual of a clear road leading into the woods.  The tune becomes more ominous and the visual changes into a narrower and less visible dirt path leading into a dark forest.  The music alone puts the audience on edge, adding to the fear factor of the film.

            When considering the second half of the question, this film and many other horror/thriller genres appeal to young people for two reasons.  Life for teenagers and young adults can be scary for many because of the unknowns of growing up, and facing a future of not knowing what path to take in life. Another aspect of horror/thriller films is the thrill and element of surprise these types of films offer.  The movies often promote deep thinking skills and the love of just being exposed to the unexpected!

How did you integrate technologies—software, hardware and online—in this project?

When first receiving this assignment, I had no idea what I was doing, but became very experienced along the way. YouTube and Google provided most of my instructional materials to make this film come to life. I learned all about camera angles including close-ups, high angles and low angles as well as sound effects and adding music and voiceovers to complete the project. 

The technology most used was my iPhone 13 and my gaming laptop.  All the filming was done with my phone and was transferred and saved on my computer. Due to CapCut’s (an editing software) storage feature, I was able to save all of the video clips in this app.  Music and voiceovers were later added and recordings were taken on my phone and later saved on my computer.

Thank you for watching my final CCR video.


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